Friday, July 30, 2010


So there's this one product i'm in love with at the moment has the power to




Honestly, no joke....
It's seriously a magical container of product that will beautify and clarify your complexion....
it is none other than Silver Powder by legendary skincare brand
Mario Badescu {*sigh*} (which happens to be one of my all-time favourite skincare brands)
Used as a blackhead eliminating mask, the white powder is mixed with water to form a gooey paste that is applied to any area of your face which is clogged and congested. Once dried the mask needs to be removed with TONER (warm water/cleanser won't fully remove it & leaves your skin with a chalky residue) I use Alpha Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion or Aloe Vera Toner
NOTE: You know the mask is ready to come off when it's completely dry & it starts to flake white powder everywhere. 

Ick factor: You may see a few black dots/bumps forming under the surface of the mask, don't be alarmed this is just the impurities coming out of your skin... ewwww

Silver Powder works by de-oxidising (not sure if that's a word) your blackheads, drying them out & drawing the impurities to the surface of your skin, it deep cleanses by opening up your pores.
Your skin should feel cleaner, lighter  and look clear.

TIP: Once completed, follow with an all-over face Flower & Tonic mask to tighten your pores up again, which will stop more dirt & oil build-up.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


CLOGS.... wtf? i mean i get it, i'm not fashionably retarded. I understand that all it takes for a trend to pick up these days, is for a quirky IT-girl or in this case BrIT-girl (hello Alexa Chung, Daisy Lowe & Geldof daughters) to wear a fugly shoe and suddenly it becomes the most coveted item of the season.

 (Ummmm Alexa? I hate to point this out but i think maybe
your Clogs weigh more than you do...... just saying)

But really? Honestly?
Didn't we already do that in the late 90's? I distinctly remember owning a pair & wearing them to death with absolutely every single outfit in my wardrobe even if they didn't match (c'mon i was like 10)
I'll admit they were a lot lower in height & may have even had a bit of a peeptoe (i do remember they were Black) & god forbid the design of the Clunky-mcClunker shoe from the 90's wasn't as pretty looking as some of the ones you see now.
(Circa 1997)

It does make me wonder if anyone - after hearing the latest shoe trend was Clogs, Clogs, Clogs OMC (oh my clog) - actually went out and bought the distant relative of this season's hipster/indie/fashionista's bestfriend: The old-school DUTCHmeister Clog aka "The Original Clog" in all its glory & then proudly worn them out in public thinking "Wow I'm totally fashion-forward & edgy, everyone in the club's checkin out my clogs all jealous coz i'm soooo stylish"
.......awwwwwkwaaaaaaaaard (cue tumble-weed)

(wrong ones dear....)

So there you go, my opinion on the absolutely ridiculous looking,
fucking impossible to walk in,
loudly clunky,
fat nuissance,
heavy mother f-er of a shoe that is the CLOG {*squeals like teenage yuppie*}

i'm gonna get me some ASAP.................NOT!


I have no idea what triggered it, but, i was thinking about childhood toys and wondering when exactly it was that my mum decided i no-longer needed this toy? i really trully rully miss these pocket-sized houses of fun complete with Polly & friends. I do infact remember i had the fairy-themed one (centre of second photo) and i curse mother's decision to seperate it from my loving ownership as it was just about my favourite thing in the world (along with my limited edition barbie ball-gowns).

All i'm saying is that when i have children i'm not ging to be cruel, inconsiderate & trample all over their childhood memories... thanks mum your the best!

P.S. I even used to hire the Polly Pocket videos from the videoshop... NERD!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Who else is ridiculously excited that the
Tim Burton Exhibition has finally arrived in Melbourne???
Even though i've already seen it at the MoMa in New York
last December over Christmas, it was soooo good that i'd go again for sure!
It opened at ACMI at Fed Square last week and i'm DYING
to go but haven't had a chance to get down there coz of work!

Fear not though, i'll get there at some point during the uni holidays...
might see you there!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Ok, i'll be the first to admit i got slack with posting and yes excuses excuses i had work, exams, got sick etc etc.
But i'm on uni holdiays now and although i'm still battling a feral cough, i have a fair bit of extra time on my hands.

So, i'm going tojump right in with some FAB finds that i just can't stop lusting after,
this Winter is just getting better and better!
my latest beauty/fashion/inspiration loves are....

1. Chanel's seasonal runway colour "407 Jade" for the Northern S/S '10 season...SIGH (heartbeat increases)

Even though i'm a massive advocate for splurging on quality & designer beauty products, at $45aud a bottle my beauty addiction budget does not permit at the moment so i have found the CHEAPO alternative at Priceline. Good old trusty Australis have an almost exact colour match for $6 a bottle in "Sweetpea"

2. Fringes are BANG-ing
After seeing numerous versions of the latest hair re-trend the Blunt Heavy Fringe, I decided to go for the chop!

Fringe idols...
Camilla Belle | Nicole Richie | Lady GaGa 
Zooey Deschanel (twice because she's got Bangin' Bangs) 
Katy Perry (Queen of the fringe idols!!!)

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Floral Dr. Martens boots
 i am in LOVE! <3<3<3 will do ANYTHING for a pair of these, however the above style are vintage ones and currently aren't being made... found some current ones similar but not as good (below).


after a sober night out celebrating at a friend's 21st i've come home, put on my pj's, taken off all my make-up, crawled into bed and opened my handbag to indulge in the scandalous treats i stashed away throughout the party. Being the sugary goodness that is JOLLY RANCHERS candies from Hershey's!!!!!
wow. i mean seriously. i knew they made chocolate but I LOVE SUGAR!!!!
and but these are unbelievable. America, only you could come up with something so addictive and bad for me!
I'll just have to indulge in these when i'm feeding my other habit of these lovely, yummy pieces of goodness:

Thursday, May 27, 2010


it seems like all the cool kids are doing it... 

so i decided to start a blog


seriously though, don't stare at it too long your eyes might start to hurt.. 
maybe try blinking?
i'm planning to include all things and everything i can think of in this blog... 
whatever tickles my fancy or fancies my tickle... eww sooooo not right

fashion, inspirations, travel, music, cooking, nature, photography, art, design, popular/mass culture, media, loves, hates, cutes, funs, yummers, all things awesome, & a little bit of chav (for good measure)

so i hope this will be  
"the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

me, myself and blog
