Friday, July 30, 2010


So there's this one product i'm in love with at the moment has the power to




Honestly, no joke....
It's seriously a magical container of product that will beautify and clarify your complexion....
it is none other than Silver Powder by legendary skincare brand
Mario Badescu {*sigh*} (which happens to be one of my all-time favourite skincare brands)
Used as a blackhead eliminating mask, the white powder is mixed with water to form a gooey paste that is applied to any area of your face which is clogged and congested. Once dried the mask needs to be removed with TONER (warm water/cleanser won't fully remove it & leaves your skin with a chalky residue) I use Alpha Grapefruit Cleansing Lotion or Aloe Vera Toner
NOTE: You know the mask is ready to come off when it's completely dry & it starts to flake white powder everywhere. 

Ick factor: You may see a few black dots/bumps forming under the surface of the mask, don't be alarmed this is just the impurities coming out of your skin... ewwww

Silver Powder works by de-oxidising (not sure if that's a word) your blackheads, drying them out & drawing the impurities to the surface of your skin, it deep cleanses by opening up your pores.
Your skin should feel cleaner, lighter  and look clear.

TIP: Once completed, follow with an all-over face Flower & Tonic mask to tighten your pores up again, which will stop more dirt & oil build-up.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


CLOGS.... wtf? i mean i get it, i'm not fashionably retarded. I understand that all it takes for a trend to pick up these days, is for a quirky IT-girl or in this case BrIT-girl (hello Alexa Chung, Daisy Lowe & Geldof daughters) to wear a fugly shoe and suddenly it becomes the most coveted item of the season.

 (Ummmm Alexa? I hate to point this out but i think maybe
your Clogs weigh more than you do...... just saying)

But really? Honestly?
Didn't we already do that in the late 90's? I distinctly remember owning a pair & wearing them to death with absolutely every single outfit in my wardrobe even if they didn't match (c'mon i was like 10)
I'll admit they were a lot lower in height & may have even had a bit of a peeptoe (i do remember they were Black) & god forbid the design of the Clunky-mcClunker shoe from the 90's wasn't as pretty looking as some of the ones you see now.
(Circa 1997)

It does make me wonder if anyone - after hearing the latest shoe trend was Clogs, Clogs, Clogs OMC (oh my clog) - actually went out and bought the distant relative of this season's hipster/indie/fashionista's bestfriend: The old-school DUTCHmeister Clog aka "The Original Clog" in all its glory & then proudly worn them out in public thinking "Wow I'm totally fashion-forward & edgy, everyone in the club's checkin out my clogs all jealous coz i'm soooo stylish"
.......awwwwwkwaaaaaaaaard (cue tumble-weed)

(wrong ones dear....)

So there you go, my opinion on the absolutely ridiculous looking,
fucking impossible to walk in,
loudly clunky,
fat nuissance,
heavy mother f-er of a shoe that is the CLOG {*squeals like teenage yuppie*}

i'm gonna get me some ASAP.................NOT!


I have no idea what triggered it, but, i was thinking about childhood toys and wondering when exactly it was that my mum decided i no-longer needed this toy? i really trully rully miss these pocket-sized houses of fun complete with Polly & friends. I do infact remember i had the fairy-themed one (centre of second photo) and i curse mother's decision to seperate it from my loving ownership as it was just about my favourite thing in the world (along with my limited edition barbie ball-gowns).

All i'm saying is that when i have children i'm not ging to be cruel, inconsiderate & trample all over their childhood memories... thanks mum your the best!

P.S. I even used to hire the Polly Pocket videos from the videoshop... NERD!